samedi 5 juillet 2008

What the world needs now is love....

Love, love, love...
I'm in love, I love you.
This is a nice feeling but what is love really?
Does someone has the answer because I'm kind of lost right now....

Around me I see a lot of couples but they are strange to me because they say to each other :
"I love you but I will go away from you"
"I love you so I accept that you cheat on me because I don't know what it is like living without you"
"I love you but I don"t know if I'm in love with you"
"I love you so I don't say anything when you mistreat me"...

So what is love then?
Is it being with someone accepting everything?
Is it finding your missing part and trying to adjust it to you?
Is it accepting to share your life with someone, listening to their feelings, being listened to and building a strong relationship?
Or, is it just a way of not spending your life alone?

I've always been naive and thought love was the most beautiful thing in the world but through time and what I saw, love lost its meaning.

Today, I'm in love and I'm loved and despite all the wrong things that can happen, I want everything to be beautiful....will it be?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter I'm just trying to understand, even if when it comes to love there is nothing to understand, just experience......

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