mercredi 2 juillet 2008

what is wrong with me???

According to miss J. I have a bad behavior.
Why would you ask? Simply because I was upset for 5 mins when she asked me to clean.
Funny person that I am. We had a party, went to bed at 4 am got up at 10.30 am and once awoke little miss Rachel was asked to clean so she was upset but still she did what she was asked to do.
Miss J. said this was unbelievable and that it was not a way to behave. She added that I had not been raised properly.
I would have agreed if I had said something, did something wrong in purpose, but I didn't. I was just upset for 5 mins.
What a nasty person that I am! Bad, bad, bad Rachel.

Well I may not know how to behave but at least I know how to respect people contrary to miss J.

1 commentaire:

. a dit…

Coucou Rachel ! Je découvre ton blog, et je vais t'ajouter à mes liens dès que je me connecte à mon administration.Le titre "roses and butterflies" est poétique et me plaît bien.

Par contre tu devrais choisir l'option où tout le monde peut commenter, car si je n'avais pas eu de compte "blogger", je n'aurais pas pu laisser ce petit message...
